What is Whey Protein?

meal replacement shake in glassMost people know that whey is the liquid left over when cheese is made, and is used to make hard cheeses and soft ones like cottage cheese. Yet few are aware that within that runny white liquid are two kinds of protein: casein and whey protein.

To get whey protein, milk protein is separated from the leftover liquid. Whey is then isolated from casein, the other dairy protein found in milk. It is used in many products now on the market, including protein bars, shakes, yogurts, salad dressings, and health foods.

Many health-conscious people choose to take whey protein as a dietary supplement. It is available in a powder form, and can be mixed into shakes, smoothies, sauces, and salad dressings. Experts find that it is better to opt for whey protein isolate (versus whey protein concentrate) because it is the most pure, protein-packed form.

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Why is it the Best Protein to Use?

Advocates of whey protein’s benefits have been proclaiming the benefits of its use for overall physical health. Luckily, there is a growing body of research that supports these claims.

Weight Loss

Whey protein is being touted as a great weapon in the war on weight. Some research indicates that it helps you feel full, thus reducing a craving to eat extra calories. Many weight loss plans on the market rely on whey and soy protein-based shakes to keep you full while counting calories.


Casein is a common food allergen, often being diagnosed after a baby develops eczema, sinus problems, or frequent ear infections. Whey protein, on the other hand, is less frequently associated with allergic reactions, and it is possible that people with lactose intolerance will not have negative reactions to products containing whey protein.

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Muscular Health

For people who lift weights or work out frequently, whey protein is seen by many fitness experts as an excellent way to help muscles recover. Because it is quickly digested, the body can use it more readily than other forms of protein. Whey protein contains high amounts of leucine, an essential amino acid that can only be gotten by eating foods rich in it. It is an important nutrient for liver, connective tissue, and muscle tissue function, and has been shown to increase the production, repair, and preservation of muscle mass.

When to Avoid

Whey protein is not a good idea for women who suffer from endometriosis, as milk products can contain estrogen. Likewise, it is important to rule out a whey protein allergy if you are showing signs of an allergic reaction (throat itchiness, vomiting, swelling around the face, intestinal discomfort).

For people with hypoglycemia or diabetes, whey protein may lower blood sugar levels, so it is best to avoid it. Vegetarians who do not consume dairy will not want to eat foods with whey protein in them, and instead opt for soy.

Isagenix Products Use Whey Protein

The Isagenix IsaLean Shakes use whey protein because it is superior to other forms of protein available. The protein used in these shakes and all other Isagenix products comes from grass-fed New Zealand cows which results in a fantastic amino acid profile and a ‘clean’ protein. Cleansing Matters is an Isagenix Associate, and on our website you can find out more about the full range of products currently available.

The research and development team at Isagenix, which includes Dr Colgan (published author, trainer of Olympic athletes and owner of the Colgan Institute), have used the latest research and extraction techniques to ensure the protein used in all products is in its purest undenatured form.

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